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July 3, 2008 Subject:
Love those Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes westerns!
Their only rival is the old John Wayne and Gabby Hayes westerns from the early Thirties. This particular movie has Sally Payne in a romantic role with Roy. Usually she is the comic foil for whoever leading lady is. This time she's the leading lady. She's good too. Anyway, as the description says, the train people are being pitted against the stagecoach people. Roy Rogers is an unusual hero in that he is an intelligent hero (unlike the current crop of morons in films and TV). He isn't fooled by the machinations of the bad guys and isn't swayed by the emotional baloney swirling around him. He looks over the situation, figures out what is going on, and gradually persuades people to do the right thing and defeat the bad guys. Very slick. Too bad there aren't modern examples of this way to be for young people to emulate now. This is a good film, don't miss it.